Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras 2010

Mardi Gras was celebrated by a crowd of 43 folks this year. It seems like there were people gathered in every nook and cranny to enjoy a menu of home-cooked Italian food and the traditional King Cake for dessert. We Episcopalians like nothing better than a big party, and this is the last one for awhile; Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the penitential season of Lent.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Week Ahead

The third week of February is going to be busy, busy, busy.........

Tuesday, February 16: Mardi Gras - Shrove Tuesday celebration begins at 6:00 with hospitality hour, and an italian dinner at 7:00.  The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board. Look for pictures here on the blog soon from the Mardi Gras festivities!

Wednesday, February 17: Ash Wednesday Liturgy and the Imposition of Ashes, 6:30 PM

Friday, February 19: The Lunch Bunch will meet at Connie's Restaurant in Seymour at 12:30; Gladys Heldt, hostess

Saturday, February 20: Lenten Work Day 8:00 AM

Sunday, February 21: Mass wil begin at 10:30 with The Great Litany (Rite I for Lent)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Here We Grow Again....

Remember this picture from last year? These were the first of two groups of new members to be Confirmed or Received into The Episcopal Church at St. Paul's in 2009. Our total membership increased by more than 20 people last year, and it looks like 2010 is starting out just as strong.

We welcome our newest members, John and Barbara Cunningham, who have transferred their letters to St. Paul Church.  January 2010 saw us grow by 4 new members. What a great way to kick-off the new year!