Saturday, March 5, 2011

Upcoming Events....

Tuesday, March 8: Mardi Gras party. Bring a friend and your favorite Italian dish and enjoy our festive Mardi Gras event. Dinner will be served at 6:30, but feel free to come early and enjoy the fellowship.

Wednesday, March 9: Ash Wednesday Liturgy and Imposition of Ashes, 7:00

Sunday, March 20: The annual Bishop's Visitation.  This year is extra-special, as this will be Bishop vonRosenberg's last official visit before his upcoming retirement. We have a good group of Confirmands this year, and will also welcome four from St. Joseph's who will be Confirmed at this service.  A reception will follow.

Check your Sunday bulletin's concerning LENTEN WORK DAYS every Saturday in Lent. This year, we will be focusing on working outside on the church grounds and green-space.

FYI: The Girl Scout "Brownie" troop will begin meeting in the Undercroft on Tuesday evenings. The Council would like everyone to be aware of this when planning any event at the church on Tuesdays.