Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sixth Sunday of Easter

The Homily today reflected on pruning us spiritually to draw a deeper connection to Christ. Often times this same Homily is used to say that Christ will cut off, or throw away those that aren't up to standard. However, Father Rizner pointed out that the reference to pruning is more like that of nurturing as no matter how good, bad, or indifferent you are God loves you better than anyone will or can imagine. Even the most unlovable person is loved by God. You cannot do anything to make God stop loving you. This is a real hard idea to ponder for our minds as we want to make God in our image, and want God to have our thought process. The Gospel reading today St. John 14:15-21 reflects on Jesus advising an Advocate will be coming and abiding forever with they that follow Him. We know that this is leading up to Pentecost Sunday and this Advocate is the Holy Spirit. So, to tie together the Gospel and the Homily, begin to reflect on the love of God. He gave us his only begotten Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, who was crucified, died, was buried, and on the third day rose again. We are an Easter people and we celebrate the infinite love, grace, and compassion God has for us. Father Rizner concluded the Homily by reminding us that God's embrace is wider than we can imagine. God is not keeping count of all our faults to hold them against us, but instead is a loving Father looking upon his children. Embrace your neighbors beloved as true brothers and sister as they are God's children to. God's Peace.
(First Reading Acts 17:22-31, Second Reading I Peter 3:13-22, & Gospel St. John 14:15-21, Psalm 66:7-18)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fifth Sunday of Easter

During the Homily today we were reminded that going home is often a place we want to go when we feel aggravated or, beaten up by life. The notion of home can be a place we live, or a place we go for refuge. The Gospel Reading today compels us to think of this notion of home as a place we end up as followers of the Risen Lord. Jesus told his disciples, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places... I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that were I am, there you may be also (Saint John 14:1-14)." During the conclusion of the Homily Father Swann asserted how many folks have said they have found a home at St. Paul. Please ponder this and hit the comment button below with a response: What does home mean to you? Do you have any ideas that are not currently in practice that you feel would make visitors feel more at home at St. Paul? ***all responses are greatly appreciated*** God's Peace.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

You Are Invited.........

God willing and

the People consenting

The Rev. George D. Young, III

will be Ordained and Consecrated

a Bishop in the

One, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church

and Fourth Bishop of the Diocese of

East Tennessee

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Eleven o’clock in the Morning

Church of the Ascension

800 Northshore Drive

Knoxville, Tennessee

Chief Consecrator: The Most Reverend

Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop

The Standing Committee of the Diocese

requests your prayers and presence.

A reception will follow

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I have talked at length with others that would like to see growth in the Episcopal Church and have got some interesting thoughts. I honestly believe if more people understood our basic values they would find a comfortable place to be with God's people. What do you feel would be the most effective way to draw in more visitors to Mass? (Please comment I would like for everyone to participate that is able to do so)

Monday, May 16, 2011

God Loves You!!!



Book donations are now being accepted for the upcoming Book & Bake Sale. You can drop off your donations in the undercroft. Donations of baked goods are needed and should be dropped off by the church before the day of the event. The Book & Bake sale will be on Saturday, May 21 from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM. We need help the day of the sale, especially early in the morning to help with the set-up. Please see Treva Brodersen to sign-up.