Confirmation Classes are held Sunday mornings (9:15 AM in the Undercroft) during the season of Lent.
Christian Education Program meets in the Parish Hall Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM
Bishop's Visitation with Confirmation and Reception of New Members: Sunday, March 22 at 10:30 AM (followed by covered dish luncheon)
Palm Sunday, March 29: Procession and Mass for Palm Sunday: 10:30 AM
Maundy Thursday, April 2: Mass 6:30 PM followed by an All-Night Vigil (sign up sheet posted in Parish Hall for anyone wishing to take a one hour turn to keep watch in the Nave from the end of the Maundy Thursday service until the Good Friday Liturgy).
Good Friday, April 3: Stations of the Cross, The Solemn Collects, and Holy Communion (from the Reserved Sacrament
Easter Sunday: Choir Rehearsal 9:00 AM, Christian Education Program 9:30 AM, Solemn High Mass 10:30 AM. An Easter Egg Hunt will be sponsored for children following the service.