Thank you Deacon Steve Thompson for your beautiful Homily!
The Holy Gospel today reflects on Gabriel coming to Mary and telling her of a child she would conceive through the Holy Spirit. Gabriel said, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you." Mary is perplexed and she asks Gabriel, "How can this be, since I am a virgin?" Mary said, "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word." It is no secret in East Tennessee that Mary is often ignored, or talked about very little. We (no matter the Protestant denomination) will talk about Saint Paul, St. Mark, or some other person from history, but not about the mother of our Lord. Mary found such a high favor with God that she was trusted to give birth to Emmanuel. That is not a small accomplishment. Often speaking of Mary leads some to misinterpret that you are a Roman Catholic, or to possibly believe you partake in worshiping Mary. However, this is simply a misconception and does not have any truth. There is a difference between veneration (deep respect or regard) and worship (only for the Holy Trinity). At any rate what would Mary say if she were here to provide a lesson today? Mary would make the point that life is hard, God is good, and love is stronger than hate and wins out over darkness. Mary suffered a great deal in her life. From the Gospel accounts it seems Joseph (Jesus' stepfather) died when Jesus was around age 12. In those days it was terribly hard for a widow to survive. Now, can you imagine how gripping a thought to have your baby grow up and be ran out of town? What about the thought of watching him die in front of you. If you have ever lost a child you know the worst low a parent could ever have. This is the most grief stricken you could ever be. She not only watched her son die, he whom she knew he was the Savior of mankind. She watched in horror and agony as they nailed each nail into his precious body. She watched as he was put to the death of a common criminal. She watched helplessly as he was beaten. Through it all she remained faithful to God and never doubted His word. She did not show any ill thought, nor did she make any wish of destruction on those that beat and killed her beloved Son. To Mary Jesus was Messiah, but first of all he was her precious boy. While Mary stood on the promises of God she knew he always kept his word and would always be there for her. Mary's love for Jesus is beautiful. God's love for Jesus and for Mary speaks about what he thinks of you and I. God doesn't have to care about us. However, the same God that sent his only Son to die for us loved us enough to purchase us. He bankrupt heaven for us. We have the free will to accept that grace of which we obtain through faith, not by money or merit. When you begin growing older you will will start to realize that HIS love has won out over all the troubles of life. Let us listen to the Holy Mother as she shares with us three points to always remember: 1.) Life is hard 2.) God is good and keeps his promises 3.) Love always wins out over darkness and hate. Lord, let us ever be mindful of Holy Mother Mary as we fully embrace the love of Christ which would not have came forth without this favor which you found in her. Amen.
***Pray especially for healing for: Terese Gluck, Rose Mauzy, David Garber and family, Pete & Mary Jane Walburg, Ginny Henline, Tommy Thompson, John & Delberta Allen, Misty McCoy, Madeline Vaught, Nathan McConnell, Camden Albano, Peggy Ann Turner, Pam Shinault, Jimmy Milas, Katie Armstrong, Donald Kaltenback, Harry MacRae, and Susan Beeler.
Collect of the day:
PURIFY OUR CONSCIENCE, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
(1st Reading 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16, Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26, 2nd Reading Romans 16:25-27, Gospel Luke 1:26-38)
Thank you, Deacon Steve, for a wonderful sermon!