Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

After Jesus left the synagogue he went to Simon Peter's house where he saw Andrew, James, John, and Simon Peter's mother - in - law. If you read on into the story previously you'll discover that his mother - in - law had high hopes for her daughter. She had wanted her daughter to marry a man that had money and had a large home so she would be taken care of. However, Simon Peter was the opposite of her wish. He was a fisherman that had a small house and had much less he could provide for his wife. When Jesus entered the house he saw that Simon Peter's mother - in -law was laying in bed with a fever. Jesus took her by the hand and lifter her up. She got straight out of the bed and started to serve them as she had been healed. She was breaking a Jewish law by serving them on Sabbath day. However, she did what needed to be done for what had been given to her. Likewise, all that were nearby had been brought to Jesus with various illnesses and even with demonic possession. He healed each of them and cast out their demons. Early the next morning after being up all night healing them physically and spiritually Jesus went to a deserted place where he prayed. Simon Peter and his companions hunted for Jesus. They told Jesus how everyone was looking for him. Jesus advised them that he came to proclaim the message of God. Jesus and his companions went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message of God. They also cast out various demons from the people they were ministering to. There was an archaeological dig in which what is believed to be the house of Simon Peter has been located. Archaeologists speculate that the house started out very small and over the years of Simon Peter's life it had additions to make it quite expansive. This historical site is where Simon Peter and his companions would spread the Holy Gospel. This is our roots. This is where Jesus told Peter how his church will stand the test of time. This is the same location where Peter and all his followers would come and partake in the Holy Eucharist. It is fascinating that what we know of Christianity today was started with such simple means. Jesus had been in this place and Peter knew the Lord. Peter even followed the Lord out of the boat and onto the water. Peter knew and trusted in Jesus. May you and I know Jesus the way Peter knew him. May we never forget to partake in the Holy Sacrament. We should take heart and always remember that the love God has for us will endure forever. Would you be willing to follow Jesus even into the waters of the sea if he called you to? May we have a child like faith. May we be made acceptable and pleasing in your sight Almighty Father. Amen.

SET US FREE, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

We pray for the departed remembering especially: Mary Jane Walburg

Pray for healing especially for:
John Cunningham, Betty Stenger, Terese Gluck, Rose Mauzy, David Garber, Starla Grilley, Pete & Mary Jane Walburg, Tommy Thompson, John & Delberta Allen, Pete Stanish, Nathan McConnell, Peggy Ann Turner, Pam Shinault, Donald Kaltenback, and Susan Beeler.

(1st Reading Isaiah 40:21-31, Psalm 147:1-12, 21, 2nd Reading I Corinthians 9:16-23, Gospel Mark 1:29-39)

Please also remember to mark your calendars for next Saturday (February 11th) as we will be going to Crowne Plaza Hotel downtown Knoxville as we will process behind the St. Paul Church banner to be recognized as the newest Parish Church within the Diocese of East TN. For all those interested in car pooling meet at the church from 7 - 7:20AM as the car pools will be leaving St. Paul at 7:30 AM. There will be another reminder this week on the Friends of St. Paul Facebook Page. If you have a facebook account and you are not a member I encourage you to join the group.

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