Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Third Sunday in Lent

Transcript of Father Swann's Complete Homily for Lent 3:

Security is important to most all of us. It is part of being a “human being.” There are things in our lives, some of them very large, and others that may seem insignificant—that keep us from feeling “adrift.”
Among the things that make us “feel secure” is our Church. Not only the ‘gathering of the people’ here --that we know and love, but the physical appointments and building itself. Our little St. Paul’s Church may be only roughly 6 years old, we worship here—there is a sense of “ownership” and comfortable feeling about this place, whether you have been here 6 years or six months. It is our “sacred space.” There is a small exception to “6 years together” statement – David and Carolyn Thomas--- whose love for this place goes back many years. To the first century Jew, all that sentiment and feeling that we have for Church, was felt by them for their Temple. Whether they lived close to it, or far away in Rome or Babylon, the Temple was a “magnet” that drew them to its splendor. The Temple that Jesus entered was built by Herod the Great in an attempt to “curry favor” with is subjects. It stood on the site of Solomon’s great building, which was destroyed many centuries before when the Jews were conquered and enslaved. It was something like a “cross” between our Capitol building and the Washington National Cathedral. Over the centuries the belief that “God had chosen Israel” to be unique—special had “devolved” into a kind of ‘exceptionalism’ and “nationalism.” They forgot that the “setting apart”-- the word HOLY has at its ‘root’ the notion of “being separated”—BUT was not intended to justify “nationalism.” Holiness was about what we call “mission.” Nationalism had caused their destruction, and with it the destruction of the Temple itself.Let us turn to the appointed Gospel for today—from John. In it—Jesus is certainly NOT—“gentle Jesus meek and mild.” He WAS NOT some “Casper Milquetoast” kind of person. Far from it. He makes a whip, kicks over the tables, destroys the bird cages, stampeded the cows, and dumps the cash drawers on the floor, and throws the rest of the ‘money changers’ out the door! The Jesus in this Gospel lesson isn’t a “cartoon.” Sadly even to some adults--- Jesus is seen as a “superhero,” a teddy-bear, a ‘cosmic bell-hop, at our “beck and call.” He is as “real” as it gets in his fury at the idolaters, blasphemers and money changers. Exactly WHY was Jesus so angry at the “goings on” in the Temple? AS you know the Temple was the only place to offer a “sacrifice” for the Jews. “Sacrifice” meant the offering to God of that which God had created, either in the form of grapes, doves or lambs, depending on the purpose of the sacrifice. It meant the offering of “life” on behalf of individuals and families once a year on the Day of Atonement—on behalf of the nation itself. Those operating the Temple had a clever racket. For example, a family brought its sacrifice to the Temple. It had to be “inspected” to make sure that it was of high enough “quality” to be acceptable. If the “object” was rejected-- guess what- they had others “for sale.” When the head of the family offered payment –guess what-- his money was rejected—because it was “Roman coinage.” However they could “exchange” these coins for pure “Temple coinage” at a very high conversion rate. No wonder Jesus was furious, something that was meant to be holy had been turned into a crooked commercial transaction. It was a “cover” under which the “will of God” was used as a front for abusing God’s most vulnerable, poorest children. He threw out these crooked merchants, many of whom were priests. Jesus goes on to shout that the Temple would be destroyed. That struck at national security and national faith. No doubt that event contributed greatly to the crucifixion of Jesus later. The profound forceful salvation message that Jesus gave that day in the Temple—AND—the message he gives us today is: that it is NOT through: animal sacrifice, making pilgrimages, the purchase of anything, whether it be Temple Coinage, the misguided medieval notion of purchasing an “indulgance” within a corrupt church, or giving your money to a “prosperity TV evangelist. JESUS ALONE IS THE WAY. It is as if Jesus said: “I’ll get you to the Father without the payment of a single coin, without the blood of a trembling animal. My life sacrificed for YOU, it is finished; access is NOT just a hope, IT IS A DEAL SEALED WITH MY BLOOD. Therein lies our security. That is the Good News on this Lent 3. AMEN.

ALMIGHTY GOD, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Pray especially for healing for:
John Cunningham, Betty Stenger, Terese Gluck, Rose Mauzy, David Garber, Pete Walburg, Tommy Thompson, John & Delberta Allen, Pete Stanish, Nathan McConnell, Peggy Ann Turner, Pam Shinault, Donald Kaltenback, and Susan Beeler.

(1st Reading Exodus 20:1-17, Psalm 19, I Corinthians 1:18-25, Gospel John 2:13-22)

**Lenten Work Days are being held every Saturday morning at 9:00AM during Lent.
**Father Swann will be available to hear confessions during Lent (by appointment).

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