Deacon Steve gives us a glimpse in his homily into the Holy Land. Yes, the Holy Land all the way over in the western part of the state called Memphis. Memphis is well known for barbecue and Elvis Presley. During the tour of Graceland Estate I asked how long Elvis had lived here and I instantly got a sigh from the tour guide. ''We don’t refer to this as the place Elvis lived, but as the place he lives,'' she said. I thought it has been over 30 years since Elvis died and these people really act as if he is still alive. People have seen Elvis in various places and in various objects. It is amazing how fanatical these fans are in regards to the King of rock-n-roll.
Here in the southern United States we adhere to a belief that we refer to as the southern trinity: barbecue, the Bible, and football. It is difficult to believe that people can actually think of someone that was pronounced dead in our modern society as being larger than death. Elvis fans even go as far as dressing up as Elvis and singing his songs and dancing the night away swaying their hips as he did as a way to remember him. There are even fans that believe there was a conspiracy and his death was a hoax and that he never died to begin with. No matter what you believe about Elvis it is apparent he still has a very loyal following so many years after his death.
So, let’s consider what Elvis has to do with today’s Gospel. The disciples were gathered with the doors locked for fear of intruders when Jesus stood among them. Jesus had already been crucified and the disciples knew he had died on the cross and been put in a tomb. Jesus tells the disciples ‘’Peace be with you.” He showed them his hands and his side that had been pierced. He breathed on them and said, ‘’Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Thomas was not with the disciples when Jesus had appeared. So, when Thomas arrived the other disciples told Thomas what had happened.
Thomas doubted what the others told him. Thomas said, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” A week went by and the disciples again were gathered and this time, Thomas was present. Although the doors were shut and locked Jesus again appeared and said, ‘’Peace be with you.” Jesus told Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas then expressed belief because he had seen Jesus with his own eyes. The risen Lord says, ‘’Blessed are those who believe and yet still have come to believe.”
Sit back and relax. Really think about whether, or not you believe Jesus lives, or if he was resurrected. It is easy to say you believe this, but do you really? If you consider what it means to believe that Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried it makes you realize that you have to live differently. You have to acknowledge that even with your shortcomings you serve a risen Lord. Are you aware of the joy you should be spreading? Are you aware of the love and concern you should be providing? A living and loving God requires that we live our lives in a way that would set the world ablaze. We have to wake up and start living out our duty as followers of Jesus in a way that would inspire others to want to follow.
We can learn a thing or two about being Christian from Elvis fans. We should be able to see Jesus alive and well in various objects, places, and people. We truly serve a King that has royal blood and that is the only begotten Son of God. When people act as if Jesus is dead we should be astounded and let them know Jesus is alive and well. We are required to seek to serve Christ in others. May we all be more loyal to Jesus than Elvis fans are to the king of rock-n-roll. And, thank you Jesus for good barbecue, the Holy Bible, and good football. Amen.
We can learn a thing or two about being Christian from Elvis fans. We should be able to see Jesus alive and well in various objects, places, and people. We truly serve a King that has royal blood and that is the only begotten Son of God. When people act as if Jesus is dead we should be astounded and let them know Jesus is alive and well. We are required to seek to serve Christ in others. May we all be more loyal to Jesus than Elvis fans are to the king of rock-n-roll. And, thank you Jesus for good barbecue, the Holy Bible, and good football. Amen.
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