All Saints Day is so important it is acceptable to have the Feast of All Saints in place of the proper week on the Liturgical Calendar if All Saints does not fall on a Sunday (in this case it is the Sunday following). It is important to remember those who have gone before us. What would the world be if no one remembered the dead? Even though our Lord Jesus Christ rose what if no one remembered his crucifixion? What way would we have to enter the eternal habitations when we die? Further, if death did not exist would life have meaning? Or, would we simply go around always taking everyone and everything for granted? There is a great deal of rhetoric that is implemented in regards to who is a sinner versus who is a saint. So, I'll clear it up now. Look at someone sitting next to you. Are they a baptised Christian? Since they are forgiven they are a Saint. The only thing different in a sinner and Saint is one is forgiven and the other is not. We should still be mindful God is love and His mercy endures forever. God's Peace. Amen.
Remember our beloved departed: Bryan Thomas, Benny Ray Thomas, Andrea Odom, Gerald Heaton, Jordon Layman, Hobert Helton, Allie Helton, Jean DeLozier, Richard Frost, Carolyn Frost, Arthur Frost, Dorothea Frost, William Frost, Leonard Frost, Helene Frost, John Clarke, Ben Martinez, Buck Turner, Peggy Turner, Norman Bolling, Rose Roach, Al Stadeck, Rebecca Valentine, Birdie Smith, Lee Smith, Garland Vaught, Marge McCombie, Louise Hodge, Ron Samples, Freeman Samples, Betty Samples, Larry Allison, Milton Whited, Bertie Whited, Bill Lakin, Lula Lakin, Bill Cunningham, Tina Cunningham, Neeta Cunningham, Louie Musselman, Barbara Musselman, Inez Byrd, Lonnie Byrd, Ronny Fagiana, Doug Fagiana, Fran Fagiana, Emelia Fagiana, Mildred Gilliam, Red Gilliam, Mack Williams, James Thomas, Vira Thomas, Coker Williams, Myrtle Collins, Lottie Williams, Judy Hardwick, James Maples, George Champion, Harry Walburg, Lilian Walburg, Marie Morris, Steven Caputo, John Stanberry, Edith Thompson, Floyd Heldt, George Horkenbach, Henry Swann, Floyd Heldt, Irene Swann, Burl Guinn, Helma Guinn, Gabriel Midyette, Albert Swann, Sarah Swann, Gabriel Midyette, Jean Mitchell, Basil Storrs, Shirley Rose, Jean Mitchell, Joey Kowaleski, Adolf Kowalewski, Edward Kowaleski.
***Especially remember in prayer: Terese Gluck, Rose Mauzy, David Garber and family, Pete & Mary Jane Walburg, Ginny Henline, Tommy Thompson, John & Delberta Allen, Misty McCoy, Madeline Vaught, Nathan McConnell, Camden Albano, Peggy Ann Turner, Pam Shinault, Jimmy Milas, Katie Armstrong, Donald Kaltenback, Henry MacRae, and Susan Beeler.
Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
(1st Reading Revelations 7:9-17, Psalm 34:1-10, 22, 2nd Reading I John 3:1-3, Gospel Matthew 5:1-12)
Thanks for the post, Brandon. All Saints Sunday is one of my favorite "High Mass" services of the year.
ReplyDeleteLikewise it is my favorite High Mass :)